Shaun T has rocked our world again! We joined him in Indianapolis again this year, along with Scott, Julie Voris, Daren and Danielle Natoni, and more. In addition to a butt-kicking workout, Shaun also delivered a powerful message:
What if we had no mirrors? What if they didn’t exist? No bathroom scale. No one to tell us if we look good in that dress. No way to determine if we need to wear makeup today.
What if you couldn’t see how BEAUTIFUL you are?
Close your eyes, stop comparing yourself to others on the Internet, and picture yourself in that world for a moment. How would we make our decisions and form our self esteem if we couldn’t see ourselves?
Simple: We would make our decisions based on how we FEEL.
This was the message (paraphrased, of course) that Shaun TÂ shared with Indianapolis on February 25th. We never expected that we would one day be working out in-person with our favorite celebrity trainer, receiving high-fives and fist bumps during the squats and push-ups. Yet here we are. It is now a recurring annual event for us, something new and nostalgic at the same time. It feels like coming home, back to our roots, and it is something we will always cherish.
Shaun had a powerful reminder for everyone in Indianapolis last week: in our quest to be perfect, we end up as imperfect and unhappy as we can possibly be. We lose connection with our true selves.
Fitness and health aren’t about the reflection in the mirror, the number on the scale, what you look like, or the gap between your thighs. “I don’t care if you lose weight,” Shaun told us over and over again. “The only weight I want you to lose is heaviness and baggage that is in your life right now. The only weight I want you to gain is the weight of happiness so you can carry that forward in your journey.”
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